Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Homemade Pizza

This is definitely a favorite at our house. It makes an appearance at least once every week or two. Plus, it's super fast. Faster then going to Lil' Caesar's even. :)

First, put yeast, honey, and warm water into bowl. If using regular yeast, let sit for a couple of minutes (or until it bubbles). Mix garlic salt and oil in. I also like to mix in some oregano, basil, marjoram, and parsley. No exact measurements, probably 1/2 t. of each if I had to guess. Next mix in the flour I used whole wheat today, and it wasn't half bad. White is definitely tastier though. in 1/2 c. increments until you it is no longer sticky. Knead for a couple of minutes.

Roll out crust. (This crust recipe makes enough for 1 large pizza.) As you can see in the below pictures, I made mini pizzas. I only made a half recipe for those 2 minis.

Now top with tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni, etc.
Pop into the oven at 500 degrees (you want it pipping hot (not pre-heating) when the pizzas go in. I usually use a pizza stone I got at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and it is awesome! You want to stick that stone into the oven as it's preheating so it's super hot when you put the crust on it. Cook for 8 minutes or until hot and bubbly.


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